7 Reasons Your AC Is Causing Your Electric Bill to Spike

AC causing an electric bill to spike. Couple sitting together at at a computer.

Ensuring your Chandler home remains cool and comfortable during these incredibly hot summers is critical—but running your air conditioning (AC) system and trying to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature can significantly impact your monthly electric bill.

Have you noticed an unexpected increase in your energy costs this summer? Your AC could be the culprit.

Mason Pro Services is proud to offer heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services all throughout Arizona. Whether you want to reduce your energy use or boost your comfort, we can help!

Here are some ways your air conditioner may be responsible for increasing your utility costs:

  1. Irregular AC Maintenance Visits
    If your maintenance visits are spaced out years apart—or you don’t schedule any maintenance at all—this could be the reason why your energy bills are so high. Scheduling an annual tune-up for your air conditioner is the best way to ensure you get the most value from your investment. Schedule one today to see the difference!
  2. Leaky Ductwork
    Damaged or poorly insulated ducts can lead to significant air leakage, resulting in the loss of conditioned air. Our team can pinpoint any leaks or loose connections in your ductwork, helping to improve your comfort and lower your utility bills.
  3. Get Smart With Your Thermostat Settings
    Did you forget to adjust the temperature before you left for work or when you went on vacation last week? The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) reports you could save up to 10 percent each year on your heating and cooling costs by turning your thermostat back 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours a day from its normal setting.

    Installing a smart thermostat is a great way to lower your utility bills. All you have to do is set up a schedule, and your thermostat will adjust the temperature accordingly without you having to lift a finger, helping you save time, money, and energy.

    Some smart thermostats will automatically adjust temperature settings and alert you to any issues with your HVAC equipment.
  4. Old and Inefficient AC Units
    If your AC system is outdated, it likely cost more to operate than a newer, more energy-efficient model. Investing in a modern and eco-friendly AC system can lead to substantial energy savings in the long run.
  5. Lack of Humidity Control:
    AC systems are designed to manage both temperature and humidity. Neglecting the humidity levels can make your home feel warmer than it actually is, leading to you wanting to lower the thermostat even further, which will just result in higher energy usage.
  1. Inadequate Insulation
    Poor insulation in your Mesa home allows cool air to escape, forcing your AC to work overtime to maintain your desired set temperature. Proper insulation will not only lower your energy bills but also make your home more comfortable overall.
  2. Using AC as Your Only Cooling Solution
    Don’t make your air conditioner work harder than it has to. Consider using blackout curtains and closing any blinds during the day to block out the sun’s heat. Install ceiling fans to help circulate air. This can all help take some pressure off your AC and lower your energy use and costs as a result.

Our Experts Are Here to Help

At Mason Pro Services, we understand the importance of a comfortable home and want to help you save in every way possible. Our team of expert technicians can assist you in reducing your energy use so you can keep more money in your pocket each month while also improving the efficiency of your heating and cooling equipment.

Don’t forget to join our Mason Value Plan (MVP)! You will stay on track with routine maintenance visits, boost your system’s efficiency, extend the service life of your equipment, and enjoy additional perks like reduced diagnostic feeds, repair warranties, special rates, an annual accrual of Loyalty Loot, and much more! Call us to sign up for our maintenance plan today.

Looking for AC Solutions?

Whether you want to reduce your Chandler, AZ, home’s electric bill or you need air conditioning service, our Mason Pro Services experts are here to help. Call us at (602) 680-5086 or request service online.

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Mason Pro Services.

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