Lennox Harmony III™ Four-Zone Zone Control System

Lennox Harmony III™ Four-Zone Zone Control System.

You’ll Never Sacrifice a Degree of Comfort

When paired with advanced heating and cooling systems from Lennox®, Harmony III™ zoning can regulate temperature to as little as one degree of the thermostat setting.

Greater Control Over Heating and Cooling

Harmony III divides your home into as many as four areas, giving you more options for controlling your family’s comfort. So your home is perfect from room to room and floor to floor.

An Energy-Efficient Choice

With Harmony III™ zoning, you don’t have to waste energy by heating and cooling unused or little-used parts of your home. So, you stay as energy smart as you do comfortable.

A Good Idea for Your Home, and Your Family

Harmony III™ delivers its best performance when combined with advanced Lennox equipment, but it can work with most any home comfort system. It can be an ideal solution if you have:

  • Top floor that’s always warmer than lower floors
  • Large windows in your home
  • Family members with different temperature needs
  • High heating and cooling bills

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